

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an ancient traditional practice that involves the gentle insertion of small needles

into strategic points of your skin. By activating these needles through touch or soft electrical

stimulation, the treatment reduces pain, eases muscles tension, and reduces stress. The

positive effects of acupuncture are well documented, and derived from generations of Chinese

medicinal wisdom.

The Eastern Tradition Of Acupuncture

Hailing from Chinese tradition, acupuncture has been used to balance the energy flow that is

responsible for your overall health. This energy is known as Qi, and there are over 2000

connection points on the body that can be accessed, stimulated, and recalibrated through

acupuncture. Balancing Qi fight illnesses, and makes one feel secure and relaxed.

Acupuncture has been known to help with headaches, back pain, skin blemishes, mental health,

menstrual problems, infertility, digestive health, insomnia, and countless other afflictions.

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